Home / LED Bulbs PAR64 WFL LED Bulb 40W Replace Traditional 500w PAR64 Dimmable 120° Warm White 2700~3000K 120V GX16D

LED Bulbs PAR64 WFL LED Bulb 40W Replace Traditional 500w PAR64 Dimmable 120° Warm White 2700~3000K 120V GX16D

  • Detail
    Standard 500W PAR 64 Light Bulbs shape & size (diameter 8in) Dimmable par 64 Equivalent Halogen Replacement. CRI 86+.
    Dimmable..Perfect 5~100% dimming effect.
    Replace Traditional 500w PAR64 Warm White.which means your electricity bills will be significantly lower when switching to LED.
    PAR64 LED Indoor lighting with 35000hrs long lifespan.
    **LED Dimmable PAR64 120° warm white,The box contains: 1/ LED PAR 64 + 1/GX16D socket, 2 Years Unlimited Warranty is offered.

    15° PAR64 LED 60° PAR64 LED 120° PAR64 LED 24° PAR56 LED 60° PAR56 LED 120° PAR56 LED
    Replace the wattage: 500W PAR64 BULB 500W PAR64 BULB 500W PAR64 BULB 300W PAR56 BULB 300W PAR56 BULB 300W PAR56 BULB
    Attached:GX16D Base:
    Color: 2700/4000/6300K 2700/4000/6300K 2700/4000/6300K 2700/4000/6300K 2700/4000/6300K 2700/4000/6300K
    Angle: (Narrow Angle Lighting)15° MFL(Medium Flood Lighting) 60° WFL(Wide Flood Lighting)120° (Narrow Angle Lighting)24° MFL(Medium Flood Lighting) 60° WFL(Wide Flood Lighting)120°
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