Home / Graco FastAction Fold Click Connect Jogger Travel System - Piazza

Graco FastAction Fold Click Connect Jogger Travel System - Piazza

  • Detail
    Graco's first jogger is the ultimate crossover stroller, combining all the comfort and convenience features of a traditional stroller with the performance and maneuverability of an all-terrain jogger. This stroller is loaded with innovative features like the one-second, one-hand fastaction fold bringing the ultimate in convenience to a jogger. Click connect technology allows for a one-step, secure connection of infant car seat to stroller. Stroller pattern: piazza for child up to 50 pounds. Accepts all Graco click connect infant car seats with a secure one-step attachment Air-filled rubber tires offer suspension. Locking front swivel wheel. Multi-position reclining seat. Deluxe parent's tray features a unique smartphone cradle for your phone or MP3 player. Extra-large, expandable canopy with peek-a-boo window. Dimensions: 42 inches high x 24 inches wide x 40 inches long.
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