Home / Digitrax DCS240 LocoNet Advanced Command Station

Digitrax DCS240 LocoNet Advanced Command Station

  • Detail
    The DCS240 is an advanced command station primarily intended to be used in conjunction with an existing Digitrax installation. In addition to the functions of standard command station the DCS240 offers a number of new features that make it ideal for large layouts, clubs, and modular groups who will be running with many operators and trains. Features include the ability to run up to 400 locos and 400 throttles in command station mode, direct USB connection computer interface, independent SoundFX and decoder programing function via SoundLoader, hardware Loco Reset button for easy clearing of decoder info and hardware EZ Routes button for easy route setup. Other features include automatic Command Station detection via LocoNet, full continuous F0-28 refresh support, improved program track output with automatic support for Power Extender equipped locos, LocoNet accessible Command Station statistics/info, user selectable multi-scale operation for Z, N, HO and large-scale layouts and electronic non-volatile track voltage customization for each scale setting.
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