Home / Devil May Cry 5 Collector&s Edition - Xbox One Collector&s Edition
  • Devil May Cry 5 Collector&s Edition - Xbox One Collector&s Edition
  • Devil May Cry 5 Collector&s Edition - Xbox One Collector&s Edition
  • Devil May Cry 5 Collector&s Edition - Xbox One Collector&s Edition
  • Devil May Cry 5 Collector&s Edition - Xbox One Collector&s Edition
  • Devil May Cry 5 Collector&s Edition - Xbox One Collector&s Edition
  • Devil May Cry 5 Collector&s Edition - Xbox One Collector&s Edition
  • Devil May Cry 5 Collector&s Edition - Xbox One Collector&s Edition

Devil May Cry 5 Collector&s Edition - Xbox One Collector&s Edition

  • Detail
    Station 4 and PC. Prepare to get downright demonic with this signature blend of high-octane stylized action and otherworldly & original characters the series is known for. Director hideaki itsuno and the core team have returned to create the most insane, technically advanced and utterly unmissable action experience of this generation! the threat of demonic power has returned to menace the world once again in Devil may Cry 5. The invasion begins when the seeds of a “demon tree” take Root in red grave city. As this hellish incursion starts to take over the city, a young demon Hunter nero, arrives with his partner nico in their “Devil may Cry” motorhome. Finding himself without the use of his right arm, nero Enlister nico, a self-professed weapons artist, to design a variety of unique mechanical Devil Breaker Arms to give him extra powers to take on evil demons such as the blood sucking flying empusa and giant Colossus enemy goliath. Concept - Return to the classic stylish action of Devil May Cry with lots of flashy combos and familiar faces, plus a new playable character Graphics - This more realistic vision of the DMC universe looks great, though some of the enemy designs seem to blend together this time around Sound - The soundtrack is the usual mix of ambient gothic and rock music, and the voice performances are well done Playability - Controlling Nero and Dante again is comfortable and intuitive. V's combat style takes longer to learn and feels less precise, but offers something different Entertainment - Chaining together impressive combos is as fun as ever, though hopping among three characters makes it hard to hone your expertise Replay - Moderately high
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