️ Davis Sextant Mark 3, model 11 is an inexpensive Training Sextant that helps Sailors navigate around the World. These sailing instruments are used for nautical navigation by calculating the angular distance between the sea and stars.
⚓This Davis Plastic Sextant is Full-sized with Sunshades - it can be used during the day but does not have optical magnification. Comes with instruction booklet and is a great backup for gps.
132, a Simplified, Yet Complete Celestial Navigation System Card includes everything you need for Marine Navigation including Sextant Use and Corrections. This quick reference guide has key concepts, best practices, and useful constellations.
144 Artificial Horizon answers the need of every Sextant User who cannot depend on a Natural Sea Horizon. These boat instruments are great for backyard practice and allow you to become familiar with your tools without needing to be out at sea.
☀️ Davis Instruments Artificial Horizon comes with 2 Sun Shades, a Lid and Full Directions. Compact 6 x 4 x 1-1/2 (15 x 10 x 4 cm)
Davis Sextant Mark 3, Celestial Navigation 132, Davis Artificial Horizon 144 Bundle (3 Items)
Mark 3 Sextant, sometimes referred to as a "lifeboat" sextant, is an inexpensive training sextant. Yet this model has taken sailors around the world! It is full-sized and has sunshades, but it does not have optical magnification that would help you find dim celestial bodies meaning you will have to rely on brighter stars at night. Great as a backup or as an introduction into the world of Celestial Navigation, this model also comes with instructional booklet for easy use.
132, a Simplified, Yet Complete, Celestial Navigation System Card includes everything you need for Marine Navigation including Sextant Use and Corrections. This quick reference guide details key concepts, best practices, and useful constellations.
The Artificial Horizon comes with 2 sunshades, lid and full directions. Great for backyard practice. Find exact position when inland and making exact sextant shot on foggy mornings. To use, fill with water and read the angle of the reflected sun with your sextant. Half your sextant reading is the sun & angle above the true horizon.
Also Known as:
marine navigation tool set
marine navigation system
navigation instruments
celestial navigation kit
navigational sextant
navigational instruments
navigational tools
working sextant
sailing tool
marine instruments
chart navigation tools
navigation kits for boats
Category:Electronics Car & Vehicle Electronics Marine Electronics Brand:Davis Instruments Color Size: