Home / Cuisinart Tob-135 Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven Broiler Brushed Stainless
  • Cuisinart Tob-135 Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven Broiler Brushed Stainless
  • Cuisinart Tob-135 Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven Broiler Brushed Stainless
  • Cuisinart Tob-135 Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven Broiler Brushed Stainless
  • Cuisinart Tob-135 Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven Broiler Brushed Stainless

Cuisinart Tob-135 Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven Broiler Brushed Stainless

  • Detail
    Enjoy quick and versatile cooking with this Cuisinart Toaster. With a compact and sleek design, this toaster looks stylish in your kitchen. Equipped with must-have features, this useful kitchen appliance simplifies the cooking and baking experience.The Cuisinart TOB-135 Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven Broiler is designed with 9 functions, including convection for making delicious cakes, potatoes and roasts. Sized to accommodate a whole chicken, a 12-inch pizza, or 6 slices of bread, the unit is controlled by an electronic dial and LED buttons. The large blue back-lit LCD allows for the quick and easy setting of function, temperature, and cook time. The Exact Heat sensor maintains precise oven temperatures, and the Always Even shade control ensure that toast consistently turns out the selected shade. The Cuisinart TOB-135 Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven Broiler is designed with 9 functions, including convection for making delicious cakes, potatoes and roasts. Sized to accommodate a whole chicken, a 12-inch pizza, or 6 slices of bread, the unit is controlled by an electronic dial and LED buttons. The large blue back-lit LCD allows for the quick and easy setting of function, temperature, and cook time. The Exact Heat sensor maintains precise oven temperatures, and the Always Even shade control ensure that toast consistently turns out the selected shade. There is a 1 minute power-loss back up system in the TOB-135; so if there is a power surge or the power goes out, after 1 minute the oven goes to the Default setting.
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