Home / Balcony Gard Silent Bird Repeller

Balcony Gard Silent Bird Repeller

  • Detail
    Keep birds off balconies, decks, patios and terraces with a Balcony Gard from Bird-X. This silent bird repeller is a humane, effective, maintenance-free way to keep birds away from your property without messy or expensive chemical solutions. Built especially for small, outdoor areas. Effective coverage up to 900 sq. ft. per unit. Ultrasonic sound waves do not mimic natural animal sounds like sonic repellent devices do, so it is not targeted to specific pest types. Instead, ultrasonic sound waves (which are above the human hearing range, thus silent to us) annoy and irritate pest animals into leaving, making it effective against ALL birds and small pests. If you have very small birds like sparrows, it is recommended the device is set to constant instead of motion-activated (there is a control switch to change this setting). Larger birds such as pigeons are more likely to set off the motion-activated sensor. Features: Ultrasonic: Emits sound frequencies that are silent to most humans Motion-Activated: Built-in motion sensor activates when birds move into coverage area Continuous Operation: Repels birds with 24/7 output Weather Resistant: Casing is designed to withstand outdoor use (rain cover included) Dual Power Modes: AC or batteries Extremely Easy to Control: Volume Control Range Select Continuous or Motion-Activated Effectively Repels: Pigeons, Crows & Blackbirds, Sparrows, Starlings, Swallows, Grackles, Ducks & Gulls. It also repels small animals like rodents and bats. Other voltage adaptors should be purchased locally. Unit switches to battery power during a power failure (if batteries are in) Compliance: UL Listed and CE Marked EPA EST: 075310-OR-001
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