Home / AudioSource Amp One/A Amplifier - 200W Total - Black

AudioSource Amp One/A Amplifier - 200W Total - Black

  • Detail
    AudioSource power amps provide high sound pressure levels, as well as subtle details, with accuracy and transparency. You won't find better sounding amps at anywhere near the price. A torodial power transformer keeps stray magnetic fields to a minimum, and the discrete output devices ensure pure signal fidelity. Separate channel level controls allow for individual adjustment. A defeatable peak limiter circuit protects speakers from distortion at high volumes, and an auto-on circuit powers up the unit with a preamp signal and powers it down when no signal is present. AudioSource amplifiers, with dedicated power supplies, have dynamic power reserves lacking in receiver combos. AudioSource separates are better able to isolate individual parts, providing a clean signal path. AMP One/A is extremely easy to set up and can be configured to function in either stereo or mono modes. One pair of speakers can be used with this amp. Its Power Output is 80 watts per channel and 200 watts monobridged. You will certainly enjoy the value and quality of your AudioSource AMP One/A for many years to come.
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