Squirrel Buster Mini Bird Feeder
DetailSize:NOT APPLICABLE The Squirrel Buster Mini is guaranteed to be squirrelproof. Openings in the bottom of the metal mesh shroud are aligned with theseed tray and allow birds access to the seed. When a squirrel climbs onto thefeeder, its weight automatically forces the shroud down, closing access to theseed tray. Squirrels are shut out but not harmed in any way. The negative griptube is part of our patented technology. It prevents squirrels from grabbingthe wire hanger with their hind legs, hanging down alongside the feeder, anddefeating the closing mechanism. Both perching and clinging birds love thisfeeder. The seed ports have perches for the perching birds but the metal meshshroud also offers a large clinging area. Because of the combined perching andclinging surfaces, you will find an enhanced level of bird activity with theSquirrel Buster Mini. The feeder also features a patented Seed TubeVentilation System to keep birds healthy. Transparent seed tubes are likegreenhouses, they trap solar energy. Traditional seed tube cover designs blockthe escape of heated air. The patented Seed Tube Ventilation System inSquirrel Buster Mini permits humidity and hot air to escape through vents atthe top of the feeder. The escaping hot air is replaced with fresh airentering the seed ports and openings on the bottom of the seed tube. The seedstays fresher and attracts more birds.
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