Home / Raw High / Electra Townie Original 7D EQ 26-inch Step-Thru
  • Electra Townie Original 7D EQ 26-inch Step-Thru
  • Electra Townie Original 7D EQ 26-inch Step-Thru
  • Electra Townie Original 7D EQ 26-inch Step-Thru
  • Electra Townie Original 7D EQ 26-inch Step-Thru
  • Electra Townie Original 7D EQ 26-inch Step-Thru
  • Electra Townie Original 7D EQ 26-inch Step-Thru
  • Electra Townie Original 7D EQ 26-inch Step-Thru

Electra Townie Original 7D EQ 26-inch Step-Thru

  • Detail
    The 7 is your lucky number! Not least because with the Townie 7D's 7-speed derailleur you'll always have the right one at your fingertips. And stopping is also done with one grip: The front and rear brake levers make a stop if you want to. The original EQ even brings its own hub dynamo, LED lights and wheel-coloured mudguards onto the road. Rock safely and dry! With the unique Townie, the patented Electra Flat Foot Technology rolled out into the world for the first time - and met with much approval. So much that it quickly became the best-selling bike in the USA.The Townie broke with everything that had previously been considered a bicycle. Only with the classic frame geometry. Then with maximum comfort: an upright sitting position, full view and still a short, easy stop, with the foot firmly on the ground? Until then unthinkable. The Townie placed the pedals further forward, the saddle down and the bar all the way to the top. Even though all Electra bikes have Flat Foot Technology on board: The Townie has them in its genes.
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